Offshore Southern Taranaki Bight Mooring Cable Marine Growth and Corrosion
OMV commissioned eCoast Ltd to undertake a marine growth evaluation for the upper wire mooring cable legs of the Raroa FPSO.
OMV commissioned eCoast Ltd to undertake a marine growth evaluation for the upper wire mooring cable legs of the Raroa FPSO. The evaluation pertains to marine growth on the upper sections (~200 m) of all eight wire mooring lines, and considers the type of marine growth (bio-fouling) on the mooring wires, an approximation of the weight of the marine growth on the wires, and the type of bio-fouling that could be expected and whether this would cause the red staining that has been observed along sections of the wires. Zonation patterns, both species-specific and more generic density metrics developed by Mead and McComb (2002) and Mead et al. (2004), were applied for weight approximations. These metrics incorporate a wide range of literature and data pertinent to the Southern Taranaki Bight and marine fouling.