Clyde Quay Harbour Ecological and Environmental Survey

A baseline ecological survey was undertaken within the Clyde Quay Harbour.

A baseline ecological survey was undertaken within the Clyde Quay Harbour. The aim of the survey was to quantify dominant marine habitats and macrofaunal species within the harbour confines and entrance, including breakwaters. Specifically, the baseline ecological survey quantified benthic macrofauna (infaunal and epifaunal communities), fish, and bird within the confines of the harbour together with a qualitative assessment of macrofauna at the harbour entrance and outer breakwaters. An assessment of soft sediment contaminants and surficial sediment complexity within the harbour was also undertaken.

The ecological information was in part used to assess environmental effects associated with a proposed upgrade to the existing harbour, which includes installation of pile moorings, floating pontoons, promenades and breakwater restoration and modification.

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